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Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis

We are a CE, ISO and USFDA approved Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis manufacturer.

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Product Specifications

Product Series Characteristic
Orthosis (KAF-01) Strong, reinforced alloy metal with adjustable strut length, hinge angle and closure.

Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis, also known as KAFO, is an entire leg orthosis which extends over the knee, ankle, and foot. It controls instabilities in the knee and assists muscles by maintaining proper alignment and controlling motion. Instabilities can be caused by broken bones, drop foot, stroke, multiple sclerosis, arthritic joints, hyperextension of the knee, muscle weakness, and paralysis. This medical device improves the ability and quality of standing and walking.


StayGuard™ brand of Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis is uniquely positioned as the brand of choice for medical professionals with distribution to both developed and developing markets. Made with best-quality medical-grade materials, our Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis are ISO, CE, and USFDA certified.
Our light in weight Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis ensures mobility and comfort by controlling joint instability, preventing excessive joint motion, improving joint alignment, and reducing joint pain. The innovative design of our Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis perfectly assists in walking by locking the knee joint during the stance phase and unlocking during the swing phase.


Your KAFO should not hurt to wear. Wear a long cotton sock under the brace. The sock absorbs sweat and helps prevent rubbing. We recommend wearing a long sock so that you can fold the top of the sock over your KAFO, to prevent it from driving down your leg. When humid weather occurs you can also apply some baby powder on your leg to cut down on moisture and friction. Loose straps on the front side of your KAFO and slowly slide into the brace. Make sure that the foot is properly positioned and fasten all the straps securely. Before standing, ensure that the locking mechanism is engaged on the knee if your particular brace includes one.


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What should be my KAFO wearing schedule?
Everyone's recovery and medical condition are different, so there's no specific time frame. We would recommend that you consult your doctor and come up with a personalized schedule. Generally, on the first day, you should begin by wearing KAFO for 1 hour, and on the second day, put your KAFO on for 2 hours. On day 3 use brace for 4 hours and day 4 use brace for eight hours. It typically takes 7 to 10 days to get used to your KAFO to be able to wear it all day.
Could KAFO leave any red marks on the skin?
It is normal to see red marks where pressure has been applied, but they should disappear in 20 minutes. However, if you notice any blistering you should immediately notify your orthopedist to check fit or make any adjustments.
How should I take care of my KAFO?
Your KAFO should be cleaned at least once per week. You can clean it by wiping with a cloth damped in rubbing alcohol and dry it with a towel or let it dry naturally. Also, don’t soak your KAFO in water.
What should be worn under my KAFO?
Physicians advise wearing long, well-fitting, and un-patterned cotton socks or tights between your skin and KAFO.
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